Sunday 14 August 2022

Burnham Beeches 10k


I must have been about 10 when I first visited Burnham Beeches.  As we wondered round the woods we came across many little huts and walk ways between the trees - it was the set of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

I have no idea if we knew they were filming there or not, but it became a favourate place to visit.

I may have moved away from the area now, but my friend still lives near by so I still get to walk in the wood sometimes.

Today though I did more than walk!  I did the Burnham Beeches 10k race.

It was very well organsied and a lovely route through the forest and if it hadn't been for the heat (another heat wave) and the fact I gave blood on Friday evening it would have been a very enjoyable experience.  As it was it I had to walk up the hills.

I was aiming to do it in under an hour, although I didn't think there was much hope of getting anywhere near my personal best, so was pretty pleased with a garmin time of 01:00:26.  Official time was 01:00:23!  And I placed 133 out of 274 runners.  41st female and 10th in my age category.  Considering just how hot it was I'm really pleased with that.

Getting to spend time with my friend after made it even better.

If it wasn't in August, with the risk of more heat like that, I'd be very much up to doing it again.

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