Tuesday, 18 August 2015

August writers group

So after nearly 6 years running the writers group today was my last meeting.  (more on why next week.)
It's been a real privilege to run the group and I have been constantly amazed at the quality of the writing the members produce.  It's a lovely group and I am sad to be leaving.  Everyone is always so nice about each others writing, but don't think for a moment that we don't critique each others writing; That is after all half the point of the group.
It's been a bit of a struggle to fine someone to take on the group, but I think we're there now so hopefully the group will continue, although I'm sure that it will change too.

So here is the last homework that I will set.  I'm sorry I'll miss hearing what they come up with, I know it'll be nothing like what I could come up with myself.

Homework: Use this as the title of your story or poem: Mystery at the University of Surrey. 

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