Sunday, 31 January 2010

It begins with an A...

It’s been a long and busy couple of weeks with no time to blog.
I’ve given blood and had a job interview (which I didn’t get). I’ve handed in another TMA so am now about half way through the course, and had the disappointment of my marked script back.
I’ve had a birthday and become the proud adopted parent of a pair of aardvarks – Kiyo and Misha at London Zoo. I can’t wait to visit them when it gets a little warmer.
We’ve had our first writers group without Anne, where we worked out how to make it work now. Homework to write a piece of flash fiction of 140 characters including spaces! (I must work on that)
And finally yesterday I went to Southampton again for the second OU day school for A363. Only 5 students turned up which was slightly disappointing but did mean we had more time for discussing work.
I wrote a couplet about clouds:

A baby elephant gallops over the hill
Before its gone it’s turned into a ship.

And a four line poem about the shadows of two men who have just jumped off a bridge into a river.

Shadows released,
No desire to be wet.
They sit; waiting
For their owners return.

I will try and blog more often but its going to stay busy for a bit, with exam marks at work coming in and more TMA deadlines looming, and I’m the next chair for the writers group so need to come up with a homework. Blimey!

Monday, 11 January 2010

Things to do when it snows

The snow is still there, but I'm back at work.
It came at a great time, giving me that little bit of extra time needed to finish my next OU assignment. And then I had a little bit of time left over to finish the blind I started over Christmas.
This is for the front door. During the day it lets in sunshine - if there is any, and makes the middle of the flat nice and light. But at night it lets in an evil orange street light from directly out side. Its a roman blind so folds up as you pull the string keeping it out of the way when using the door. And its made from blackout material so I only need the one piece and didn't have to do any clever lining. I have to say I'm very pleased. And thanks to 'im outdoors for his help screwing it to the door.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Snow, just a little bit

I've only been at work 2 days following the Christmas holidays, but already I'm stuck at home again due to the foot of snow that fell over night. Its not too much of a problem - work is quiet and I have an assignment due in at the end of the week.
We got a little bored inside as you can see - the castle is 'im outdoors.