Saturday 8 May 2010

Fears and dreams

On Thursday night I stayed late at work as I was meeting some friends in town. Taking Keri Smith’s advice I decided to try out being a guerrilla artist.
As I didn’t have any chalk, and to be honest I’m a bit worried about someone seeing me and getting in to trouble, I decided to make up flyers and post them up in the (girls) loos at work.
It’s one of my favourite quotes/sayings and in the lead up to exam time at the university I thing it is appropriate.
I just hope it inspires someone.

Only a week left before I need to post (snail mail for this one) my final assignment for A363. I’m just over the word limit with more story to go, which is amazing as normally I find that incredibly hard to get to. 4122 words so far!
I can’t wait to finish. I’ve really enjoyed the course and learnt lots, but it has been hard work and I’ll be very glad to get my Sundays and evenings back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a genius concept. I like your low risk interpretation but if you type "guerilla art" into Google Images you get some beauties. Rubick's Cube mosaic and tape measures in a DIY store are my favourite :)