Sunday 15 May 2016

Frida's Flower Blanket part 3

Every time I go to download the next pattern for the Janie Crow Frida Flower Blanket I get all excited.  Each pattern has been so pretty and I love that I can join them as I go, so I can see it grow.

This weeks was no exception, but once downloaded it was a bit scary too.  The third pattern is really pretty, but looks much more complicated than the first two, possibly due to the amount of colour in it.

Janie suggest you make all 4 squares at the same time, so complete a ring on each square before moving on.  This worked really well for me.
So although they look complicated, they were actually really quite straight forward to make and when attached to the other squares look really impressive. 

I am so pleased with how the project is progressing, and how well I'm keeping up.  I was worried I'd feel pressure to finish on time each week, but I haven't.  I've still got two to complete as I write this but that's ok.
It's a lovely project to come home to each evening and helps me to unwind.

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