Saturday, 26 October 2019

Another Knitting Thimble

Last year I created myself a knitting thimble to protect my poor finger while knitting a big project.  It's been invaluable, but I've finally knitted through it and needed to create myself a new one. 
The original had used old chamois leather but I had run out so I bought a new chamois leather and tried that.  But while it was soft and beautiful, it was also very thin, distorted easily and didn't offer much protection.

So I had a little think and wondered if I combined the leather with some fabric if that would do it? I used a little off cut of cord fabric from some trousers I made a couple of years ago.  I used PVA to stick them together then sewed it to the right size.
It works like a dream.  And being a little stiffer if doesn't keep falling off my finger.
I need to use it a bit more to see how it changes as I use it, but I think I've found a good combination.  And my finger is happy again.

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