Sunday 5 December 2021

The Wheel of Development


With a bit of a restructure at work and a new Director, I've found myself part of the new People Forum and actually leading one of the Pillars - the Colleague Development Pillar, on the side of my day job.

This week we had our first Away Day in the new structure and our first face-to-face meeting in over 18 months.  It was grand to see so many people in the flesh again, but a little scary too.

The People Forum had a slot after lunch to explain to our colleagues what we are aiming to do.  We'd been asked not to use PowerPoint and so ended up with a speed dating affair where groups of people rotated round our Pillar tables and we had 8 minutes to tell them about our ideas.

Of course it wasn't quite that simple.  While chatting with the team about what we might do, someone suggested a Wheel of Development where people could spin it to get information about the Colleague Development Pillar.   Someone else suggested we could give people seeds as we're all about growth and so our table idea was born.

When I made it, it worked quite well - the arrow spinner borrowed from a board game.  But being rolled up for the journey on the train made it grumpy so it didn't spin quite so well with hilarious consequences.  A fun, and hopefully informative event for the team.

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