Monday 14 October 2024

Sculptural Sustainable Wood Jewellery


This weekend I was back to West Dean for the Sculptural Sustainable Wood Jewellery course.

I booked this a while ago and had been really looking forward to it.  I was not disappointed.


I love wood as a material, love how warm it feels and how versatile it is, so when I saw the things Sarah King, our tutor, had made I couldn’t wait to find out more.


It was a small class with 5 of us and we all had some knowledge of jewellery making so it made for quite a relaxed class with Sarah showing us techniques and then allowing us to use them in any way we wanted.



We started by making a hard wood pendent with silver dots inlayed.  The technique is quite simple, but looks very effective.


Next I made an ebony ring with more silver inlayed.  This time a strip along the top with some dots down the sides.  Getting the shape right took the time with this one.  Finishing both of these with wax made them sing.


On our second day I worked mostly in lime wood, which was much softer to work with.  Again I made rings, but this time more sculptural using holes and paint to give an interesting surface.  



I also made a laminate with I cut up to make a pair of ear rings, although I didn’t quite get them finished.  It won’t take long in my jewellery class next week.



Many of the things we worked on, we used superglue to keep in place.  This was very reassuring as I’d never thought using glue in jewellery making was very professional, but it shows there is a time and a place.


I really enjoyed the weekend and learnt so much.  Now I’m trying to work out how I could incorporate glass with wood, maybe in rings or brooches.  I love how going on courses like this builds on what I’ve learn before and while I might not have a fully formed idea now, it’s the sort of thing that will come with time.

Sunday 6 October 2024

Wild Glass Creations - The Shop


I make things because I am curious about how to make things and because I like to own things that are personal to me.

However, I'm starting to build up a bit of a collection of glass now, and every time I show someone a new ring or piece of jewellery I've made they tell me I should sell my work.

Seeing as I currently work full time I've never really been bothered about trying to turn my creativity into an income, but it wouldn't hurt if it could pay for itself at least.

So I have now set up a little online shop where you can buy things I have created.  Mostly in glass with a few other materials thrown in for varity.

You can find everything at and I'll be adding more as I make things.

(I did think about an Etsy shop, but their fees keep going up and I've heard from friends and family who have had really bad experiences with them, so I've kept it independent.)

Maybe I'll also try some craft shows at some point too.  This is the start of something...