Monday 18 August 2008

The beginning

So lets start at the beginning.
I’ve always been fascinated with books; how they are made just as much as the content.
When I was a bit younger (maybe 12?) I took one apart to see how it was put together, and with a bit of help from my dad I made my first book. It wasn’t brilliant and if I remember right it was covered with a grey and white stripy paper bag that came from our local sweet shop. But that’s the other thing I love; using found materials.
Anyway in June I went on a 2 day book binding work shop at a local arts centre called South Hill Park. I’ve been here before and love it with all its workshops, specialists and space.
The work shop was brilliant and I finally learnt how to add spines to my books, something they had been lacking.
And now I can’t stop making them. They haven’t all worked quite right, but I love these two. The first called Three Seagulls is made from the packaging of a seagull mobile my sister gave me for my birthday. The second called Stone was made from the sample photo in a frame my dad bought.
So far they’ve all been A6, which is a nice size to work to as everything fits in your hand. I’m not sure I want to get bigger.

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