Sunday 5 February 2023

Training For An Ultra

This week marks the start of my ultra training.  Yes that's right I've signed up for an ultra marathon this summer!

Once I'd amazed myself by running and actually completing a marathon, I started to wonder if I could do an ultra too.  I tried to irgnore it, but the idea grew in my head until I found I'd signed up to run 50k this summer. 

Many people have asked why on earth I would want to do such a thing and I guess the answer is to see if I can.

Just like when I try knitting a jumper or some other thing, or try out a new crafting technique, it's normally as much to see if I can as anything else. 

I know the next 5 months are going to be hard.  I've done this before, but I know the training will be worth it to finish the race and know I can run 50k.  (I hope)

No sponsorship needed this time.  This one is just for me.

So if I am quiet on here, or I'm slow to responed when you message me, it might be because I'm knee deep in mud somewhere in the Hampshire countryside getting the miles in.

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